NOW BOOKING CHAKA KHAN About Chaka Khan DATE OF BIRTH/AGE 23/03/1953 BIRTHPLACE Naval Station, IL, United States OCCUPATION R&B Singer Yvette Marie Stevens was born on  March 23, 1953. She is an American musician from...
NOW BOOKING CASE About Case DATE OF BIRTH/AGE 04/10/1975 BIRTHPLACE New York City, NY, United States OCCUPATION Singer OTHER NAMES / NICKNAMES: Case Woodard Born Case Woodard, Case was raised in several areas of...
NOW BOOKING NEXT About Next BIRTHPLACE United States OCCUPATION Music Group Next is an American contemporary R&B trio, most popular during the late 1990’s and early 2000’s, the members are Terry  Brown, otherwise known...
NOW BOOKING NELCCIA Biography Nelccia is an R&B songstress from Cleveland, Ohio with a one of a kind voice and an intuitive understanding of her generation’s language for heartbreak. She grew up with...
NOW BOOKING MARVIN SAPP About Marvin Sapp DATE OF BIRTH/AGE 28/01/1967 BIRTHPLACE Grand Rapids, MI, United States  OCCUPATION Gospel Singer Pastor Marvin Louis Sapp was born on January 28, 1967 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Sapp...
NOW BOOKING CEE CEE WINANS About CeCe Winans  DATE OF BIRTH/AGE 08/10/1964 BIRTHPLACE Detroit, MI, United States OCCUPATION Gospel Singer CeCe Winans was born Priscilla Marie Winans in Detroit Michigan on October 8, 1964. She released...