ADULT CONTEMPORARY ARTISTS and BANDS with Male or Female Vocals are needed by an eclectic Independent Record Label that’s eagerly looking for fresh, new talent to sign.
This Label is looking for Songs in the general wheelhouse of the references below:
Please send modern Adult Contemporary Songs with an overall uplifting, heartfelt sound and vibe that could tug at listener's heartstrings. Your submissions should have engaging melodies, catchy choruses, solid arrangements, and honest, sincere, well-crafted lyrics. Instrumentation in the general style of the references will be most appealing to this Label. Top-notch vocal performances paired with polished production are must haves for this request. If you are planning to use any virtual instruments or samples, please be sure they are high-quality and current-sounding.
We recommend that you submit TWO or THREE SONGS per submission so they can see if you’ve got depth in your material. It’s not necessary to land a deal with them, just a suggestion! You’d be wise to highlight any licensing experience, fanbase, or impressive sales/streaming figures you may have in your bio. All those things can help make you more appealing to the company! If you’re a new artist or band and don’t have much of a story or track record yet, but you DO have an amazing sound and the compositions to back it up, they are still willing to give you a listen!
Your recording quality needs to be clean, clear, and well-balanced to represent your music well. Do NOT copy the references in any way, shape, or form. Use them only as a general guide for tone, texture, and overall vibe.
The specific deal points will be negotiated directly with the Record Label on a case-by-case basis. Please submit as many Songs as you’d like, online or per CD, and include a photo and bio. All submissions will be screened and critiqued by World Entertainment Resource Company. Submissions must be received no later than 11:59 PM (PDT) on Thursday, Sept, 22, 2022.